Thursday, January 1, 2009

Introducing the Adventures of Sock Monkey

Who doesn't remember sock monkey's from when you were a child? That loveable little stuffed toy made from socks.

Wikipedia states: The genesis of the sock monkey came about when the craze of stuffed animals swept across Europe and into America, where it met the burgeoning arts and crafts movement in the United States. Mothers there took to sewing sock monkeys as toys for their children, and sock monkeys soon became a fixture of American nurseries.

My brother, Graham and I have decided to take Sock Monkey "on tour" so we can re-visit our childhood and share our adventures with you.

Sock Monkey Adventures is available on Etsy with each addition being limited to only 50 available 8x10's. Along with the photo, you will get the installment of Sock Monkey Adventures, which includes a little history and the story of his mis-adventures. Every istallment, once put together, will be the total Adventures of Sock Monkey which can be bound into a book. Once the Adventures are over, we will make the Adventures of Sock Monkey, in a bound book form, available for purchase.

This blog will let you know where Sock Monkey is, what he's up to and who he's met. There will be Blog exclusives, as well as Sock Monkey's local recommendations and reviews.

Sock Monkey resides in St. Augustine, FL with Graham and Pam.

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